TJBA 16/12/2022 - Pág. 1522 - CADERNO 1 - ADMINISTRATIVO - Tribunal de Justiça da Bahia
TJBA - DIÁRIO DA JUSTIÇA ELETRÔNICO - Nº 3.236 - Disponibilização: sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2022
Cad 1 / Página 1522
- abstract in Portuguese and English, with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 200 words, in simple spacing, presenting the field
of study, objective, method, result and conclusion;
- keywords in up to 05 (five) terms in Portuguese and English, and they shall be separated and finalized by a period stop.
4.5 - Textual elements:
- the body of the text must be typed using Times New Roman font, font size 12, space between lines 1.5 cm, with left and top
margins of 3.0 cm, and right and bottom margins of 2.0 cm, alignment justified. The sheet size must be A4;
- no space between paragraphs and indentation of 1.5 cm in the first line of each paragraph;
- quotations and citations must follow the author-date system, that is, in the body of the text, they must be made by the author’s
last name, in capital letters, followed by the date of publication and, in the case of direct citation, the page of the publication. In the
case of two authors, both must be cited and, in the case of more than two authors, the citation must be followed by the author’s
surname followed by the expression “et al.”;
- quotations of up to three lines must be inserted in the body of the text, between quotation marks and without italics, as italics
should only be used to highlight words that do not belong to the Portuguese language and to highlight expressions. Quotations
with more than three lines must be made in an independent paragraph, with a 4 cm indentation; font in size 10; single spacing,
without quotation marks and without italics;
- complete references should be presented only at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, according to ABNT standards (NBR6023);
- notes must be restricted to the minimum necessary and, when indicated in the body of the text, they must be indicated with sequential Arabic numbers, immediately after the sentence to which they refer;
- tables, figures and charts must be prepared and inserted in the body of the text. Figures should be presented in color, in JPG
format, with subtitles and respective numbering in the footer, with the title of the work and the name of the main author.
5.1 The articles submitted for selection and publication in the 10th edition of the Journal ENTRE ASPAS will be forwarded to the
Editorial and Scientific Council, which comprises the Councils of Legal Articles and Good Practices of the Judiciary, constituted by
the President of the Court of Justice of Bahia - TJBA, whose in Judiciary Decree n.º 380, of May 9, 2022, with the participation of
Judges João Augusto Alves de Oliveira Pinto and Geder Luiz Rocha Gomes, Judges of Law for the Court of Justice of the State
of Bahia - TJBA.
5.2 Articles that are received after the deadline hereby defined by UNICORP or that are sent in violation of editorial standards will
not be known for the purpose of analysis and evaluation.
5.3 The Editorial and Scientific Board may contact the author whose article presents a slight non-compliance with the ABNT standards, so that he/she can make the correction within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of pertaining communication.
5.4 The review, evaluation and selection process of the articles will be divided in two stages. In the fi rst phase, it will be checked
if the article fi ts the editorial line of the “ENTRE ASPAS” 9th edition. If approved, the second stage begins with an analyses by an
antiplagiarism software; then anonymous reviewer will make his qualitative evaluation, considering: a) scientific significance; b)
originality; c) theoretical and practical foundation; d) critical aspects and appropriateness to the journal’s editorial line; e) scientific-technical accuracy of the featured content. In this second stage, the cu toff point will be 60% (sixty per cent) of the maximum
possible grade. If there is a negative review, the article will be sent to another anonymous reviewer, according to the double-blind
peer review system.
5.5 At the end of the evaluation, the reviewer will conclude for the approval, approval with mandatory corrections or rejection of
the article.
5.6 After the report of approval and/or approval with mandatory corrections, the article will be sent to the Scientific and Editorial
Board for publishing selection.
5.7 The articles selected by the Board that do not get published in the 9th edition of “ENTRE ASPAS” will remain in the UNICORP
database for future publications.
5.8 The Scientific and Editorial Board will not return the articles received to the authors.
5.9 In the case an article is rejected in the similarity check using anti-plagiarism software, the Editorial and Scientific Board will
request additional information from the author.
5.10 Exceptionally, an invitation for publication may be issued, and it will be formulated exclusively by the Editorial and Scientific
Board. These works do not need to be unpublished nor will they be submitted to the analysis, evaluation and selection procedure,
however, the limit of pages and deadline established in the invitation must be observed.
5.11 No appeal any stage will be granted regarding the final decision of the analysis, evaluation and selection.
6.1 The 10th edition of ENTRE ASPAS journal will be published and made available free of charge and in “PDF” version, for online
access through the Portal of the Corporate University of the Court of Justice of Bahia, at Internet site: www.tjba.